JKT48 stage with girl group SISTAR Korean

August 8, 2014, for the first time can JKT48 stage with girl group SISTAR Korean origin in a concert titled "Shinzu'i White Concert" held in Istoran Senayan Jakarta. In concert JKT48 sings five songs, followed by the appearance of A Pink, Soomin and Crispy Crunch.

August 23, 2014, JKT48 perform all members with a total of 70 members in 25 years RCTI masterpiece concert held at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta. By displaying a total of 7 songs, at the end of the show JKT48 memberntuk a bearing formations RCTI. The concert was also enlivened by Super Junior-M Agnez Mo, NOAH, Box, Purple, Mahadeva, Ayu Ting Ting, Repvblik, Al El Dul, Fatin, Regina, Novita Dewi, Nowela, Virzha, Hussein